Dr. Andy

Reflections on medicine and biology among other things

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Evolution vs. intelligent design

An excellent editorial by James Q. Wilson, explaining why evolution is science and intelligent design isn't, and why only the former should be taught in public schools:
What schools should do is teach evolution emphasizing both its successes and its still unexplained limitations. Evolution, like almost every scientific theory, has some problems. But they are not the kinds of problems that can be solved by assuming that an intelligent designer (whom ID advocates will tell you privately is God) created life. There is not a shred of evidence to support this theory, one that has been around since the critics of Darwin began writing in the 19th century.


At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that what you have to say is just a bunch of CRAP!!! To you there may not be any info to prove the "theory" of intelligent design, but think again, its called a BIBLE!!!!! na durr!! look in it once in a while!! and FYI, if there gonna teach about the gay "theory" (which by the way is a load of crap also) of evolution in schools, then they should at least teach the truth, ABOUT GOD (intelligent design)!!!!!!!!

At 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, this is the anoynomous person again (the first 1), and i have a couple more things to say....ur a freak!!!!! You may think that by saying this you aren't affending anyone, but think again.........YOU'RE OFFENDING ALL CHRISTIANS, which i happen to be!!!! so i suggest that you go to church and read the bible, although I don't think that will help your screwed up head!!!!! All you have said is lies!!!!!! EVOLUTION is NOT a theory, its a lie!!!!!!!

At 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too many apostrophes. See, science teaches that 2 is a base set of apostrophes but every additional one over that number is inversely proportional to the subset (x,y) of derivative of the cosine of its other member, meaning, of course, that the IQ of an apostrophe over-user where IQ is IQ, the number of apostrophes is N and the atmospheric pressure is Q, can be determined by (N-2)Q/0.078. Ollie can explain this.

And then, looking in the Bibble, we find, "Verily, I made thee intelligent; wherefore dost thou not open without an authorized service person nor pour beverages upon thy keyboard. I have forbidden the mangling of language and proscribed bitterness in the herb of thy heart." Dus24:6

At 10:28 PM, Blogger Harriet said...

No Andy, I always own up to my posts. Hey, I really don't see why anyone who subscribes to evolution would ever vote Republican.
But many Republican lawmakers think that teaching things like ID and creationism in the science classroom is a good idea, and as you reminded me, "elections have consequences."

So be prepared to accept the Genisis creaton myth as "science" (though I wonder which one; the first one that has human females and males created together on day 6, AFTER everything else, or the the second one that has the human male, animals, AND THEN the human female from his rib...


At 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really dont know where you get off tellin' the world that school schould teach evoltuion cuz its the truth.. well let me tell you something its not!God created the human race and he deserves ALL the credit not an ape! You are just an allergy doctor anywayz how would you know? I bet you have a dusty bible stuffed in a drawer somewhere you haven't read in years~ well if yu actually read it once and a while you'd find olut its very intresting and TRUE!! You cant say ne thing until youve seen BOTH sides not just MONKEYMAN reas the bible and think about it.

At 1:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose you think you're open minded. If so, why not consider the science of evotion? Evolution is far less credible science than creationism or intelligent design. I'm in favor for an open forum, why aren't you?

At 1:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry for the typos. It's a terrible thing for us to be slaves to spell check. Evolution has been debated with Intelligent design/creationism and fails and conflicts with the law of thermodynamics. Evolution does not "progress" it regresses. Apparently a lie you believe in is better than the truth you don't believe in. That makes you illegitimate.

At 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still think what u have 2 say is a bunch of crap! =) i u were a christian, then u wouldnt believe in evolution, and i may just be 13, but have VERY strong opinions and i am a VERY strong christian, and it annoys me 2 hear people talk about stuff they dont have a clue about! and another thing that seriously annoys me is evolution in general! and if u want 2 get smartelic with me again and say "well FYI i attend church....blah blah blah," then dont think that im not gonna say a rude remark back! and it may not be very christian-like 2 be so rude, but u really got me worked up!

At 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still think what u have 2 say is a bunch of crap! =) i u were a christian, then u wouldnt believe in evolution, and i may just be 13, but have VERY strong opinions and i am a VERY strong christian, and it annoys me 2 hear people talk about stuff they dont have a clue about! and another thing that seriously annoys me is evolution in general! and if u want 2 get smartelic with me again and say "well FYI i attend church....blah blah blah," then dont think that im not gonna say a rude remark back! and it may not be very christian-like 2 be so rude, but u really got me worked up!

At 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say is that what you all have to say is a bunch of dog CRAP!!!evolution is not the right way to go god made this earth no other questions about it!I am a christian and i strongly belive that god created the heaven and the earth! don not even go to the evolution and start something with me!because i am very serious about this!i go to curch every wed and sunday and i strongly do not belive in the theroy of evolution!and do not cop an attitude with me about it! the human race was created by god and only him so get ova it ! i want you and your little group to go screw a cow!that was not very christain like of me but you really made me mad about this thing AMEN, PRAISE THE LORD!!

At 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, to all u "avid, strong, and super religious christians" who have posted things like "god created the human race so get ova it" and "god deserves all the credit for creating the world" i have a few things to say. 1. god must have been seriously drunk or something when he made us like u said he did, seeing as how we have several vestigial organs which do absolutely nothing (appendix, certain bones in our inner ear, etc.) no one would design something without a purpose. 2. the human eye has a blind spot, right in the middle of the pupil, where we can't see anything out of, no one would even design a camcorder like that. 3. It says in the bible that god created the stars and the universe and then Adam (supposedly the first human) looked to the sky and saw the stars, that is scientificly impossible, light from stars takes millions or even billions of years to reach earth, so there is no way that Adam could have been the first human on a "newly created" earth and cosmos. 4. why would god create a whole cosmos and just develop one planet? why not all the planets in the universe, or at least a few. why would god favor us. 5. it's impossible to create the entire cosmos in just 6 days, its complete bullshit, the world alone is too complex to be created in 6 days. Also i noticed that one of you said that "you cant say anything until you've looked at BOTH sides" i can say the exact same thing to you, you arent giving any evidence to why evolution is wrong. do you even know the in's and out's of evolution...do you even know what it is? or did u just decide that it wasnt even worth looking at? did you just think that you already knew everything about creation and how we came to be? you say you're 13...well im 15, and i was raised christian but that doesnt mean that you're not allowed to question things, you say you've read the bible many times, read it again and LOOK for flaws, look for holes, question what is already set in "stone", it's human nature, if we were in fact created by "god" and in his image, then we were always meant to question things, to think for ourselves...try that once in a while


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