Dr. Andy

Reflections on medicine and biology among other things

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Diet update

I've posted a few times previously about a new diet I'm trying. It boils down to fasting (that is abstaining from any caloric intake) for one day per week. This works out to about 33 hours for me (finish dinner about 8PM and breakfast at 5AM 2 days later). The idea is that anyone can be good for a limited time and this lifts the requirement of constantly watching what you eat, which leads to frustration, feeling overwhelmed and poor compliance. An initial worry was that I'd overeat during the 6 non-fast days, negating any benefit. While I do notice I eat more the day after a fast, this overall hasn't been a big problem. The fasting reveals how much of eating is triggered by social cues and helps one not eat when one isn't hungry.

The diet has really worked for me as the graph shows. Blue represent daily morning weights (before breakfast) and pink ones highlight post fast days (when I tend to be a few lbs. down, probably from water weight loss) so you can see I'm down about 20 pounds overall. The 4 month period coincides with a lot of running, so that probably played a role as well. Needless to say, I can really see the difference when I look in the mirror, and I also notice how much easier running is, although again that is partially training.

My wife now says I'm getting too think and I had to promise to start weights again after Arkansas.


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At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Andy,
I was wondering if you are still on this diet. I'm pretty impressed with the results, although the running does likely have something to do with it.

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